Pacific Region

Colombia... The risk is wanting to stay!


The Region Pacific of Colombia is located on the west of the country of Colombia. The north is Panama, the south is Ecuador, the east is the Cordillera of the Colombian Andes and the west is the Pacific Ocean. The main cities are Buenaventura, Tumaco y Quibdó. It is a region of much ecological wealth, hydrographic, mining and forestry. It is also considered one of the most bio diverse regions on the planet. It is also the main land of the culture Afro-Colombian, and of numerous American Indian tribes that were called "Chocoes". The states that are part of the Pacific Region are the Department of Chocó, Valle del Cauca, Cauca Department, Department of Nariño. The region is crossed by mighty and deep rivers such as Atrato, San Juan, Baudo River, River Watch and Patia River. Colombian Pacific people are approximately 1.5 million. At present, it is the only region of Colombia with most Afro-Colombian communities. The Pacific region is quite uninhabited, due to its climate and health. The main cities are: Buenaventura, one of the major seaports of Colombia and the first country in the Pacific Ocean, Pretoria, capital of the department of Chocó, Tumaco and Guapí.


Traditional dishes from the Pacific region are:

Arepas y torta de ñame blanco chocoano, buñuelos, sopas de pescado, arroz atollado de carne ahumada, bacalao de pescado seco-liso, bocachico con escamas, aguacates rellenos, cebiche de camarones o langostinos, empanadas de pescado, cazuela de mariscos, pescado con lulo chocoano, pescado encurtido, pargo frito en salsa de mostaza, aborrajados de pescado, ensalada de calamar, camarón o langostinos, empanadas de jaiba o camarón, crema de cabezas de langostinos, sopa de lentejas con pescado ahumado, pusandao (soup)de bagre, pargo o corvina, cazuela de mariscos, arroz con calamares en su tinta, calamares rellenos, chaupiza (pescado muy pequeño), frijol tapajeño, huevos de piando, caldo de gazapo, quebrao (sancocho de carne serrana salada en cecina), sopa de almejas, sopa de cangrejo, arroz atollado con jaibas o con almejas, tortuga en carapacho (en jaiba), plumuda con plátano, patacones and traditional tapao de pescado, the famous dish of the region.


Among the most important popular celebrations are:
•             The Fiestas de San Pacho, in Chocó, on September 20th.      
•             The Festival del Currulao and The  Carnaval del Fuego, in Tumaco.

•             The Procesión de la Virgen de Atocha in Barbacoas.
•             The Festival folclórico del Litoral Pacífico in Buenaventura.
•             The fiestas de La Purísima in Guapi.

•             The Festival Petronio Álvarez celebrated in Cali, in Valle Interandino, but their audience and content integrate people and rhythm from the Pacific, and also from other regions of mostly African and indigenous who organize this kind of peaceful community celebration.

Indigenous  Cultures: 

You can find representatives of different ethnic groups and indigenous Los Guambianos y los Paeces in the department of Cauca.


Folklore studies conducted in the Pacific Coast survivals let us appreciate black, Spanish and indigenous, dances, songs and rhythms. Among African survivals we can show the following rhythms: Currulao Tamborito, abozao, patacoré, El bereju, Juga, El aguabajo, La Jota, Bunde.

By Lina Rivillas and Guillermo Castaño

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