Amazon Region


The states that are part of the Amazon Region are: Putumayo, Guainia, Amazonas, Caqueta, Guaviare and Vaupes.

The tourist attractions are:

 Amacayacu National Park
Cahuinarí National Park
Chiribiquete National Park
La Paya National Park
Tinigua National Park
Río Puré National Park
Nukak National Park
Puinawai National Park
Serranía de los Churumbelos Auka-Wasi National Park


People from this region eat different kinds of food like turtle egg with tortoise turtle. They like to eat monkey, tapir, capybara, They eat boa smoked loin with lemon, vinegar, potatoes, etc. Given the abundance of rivers people are consuming too much fish supplemented with casabe (made with manioc,), banana and exotic fruits like anon copoazu and Amazonian. Also people drink chive, which is cassava flour with water, molasses and brown sugar in honey.

For breakfast they eat products of cassava and green banana, wheat bread, fruit juices and milk. Also  they also eat  palms and some kinds of reptiles.
People usually have for dinner Enrollado, Humitas, and Inchicapi.

People drink guarapo, licor de leche, ghuchuhuasi and Pur Pur.

The most traditional dishes in this region are:

Purtumute: Prepared with beans and mote. These are mixed with a dressing made of cilantro. This rich dish is widely consumed in Amazon.

Tacacho con cecina: It is made with crushed fried plantain which is then mixed with lard. It is almost always served with cured meat - smoked and dried pork.

By Leidy Arroyave and Leidy Castañeda

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