San Andrés y Providencia


Which states are part of this region? 
San andres and providencia are part of this region. The principal town is San Andrés in the north of the island. Another town is San Luis on the east coast. Cayo Johnny(Johnny Cay)  of German Point (Punta Norte), and Albuquerque Cay.  It is part of the Caribbean region in the northern of Colombia.

What can people do in this region? (tourist attractions)

A beautiful fall, surrounded by a coral reef full of beautiful colored fish. It is ideal for marine life.

It is located at the southern tip of the island, it  is a natural phenomenon caused by a series of underground tunnels in the coral reefs . When the tide rises and waves come hard inside these tunnels, the compressed air in the hole. It is the mythical moment, exalting the natives: "The Hole is blowing, silence."

Founded in 1844,  it is A building made of wood and in vessels brought from Alabama galleons to the northeastern side of San Andres Island. Its builders forced their slaves to tcarry it up to the highest point of the island, 85 meters above the sea.

What kind of food do people in this region eat?
People eat fried or cooked breadfruit as an accompaniment to various foods. It is eaten when it is still green and not ripe, to better enjoy the taste.

Also people prepare and sell traditional sweets in the island; for example  coconut candy and coconut balls. Fruit juices and squash cakes, corn and bananas are very popular too.

What do people usually have for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

The main dishes are ell fish, turtle, snail, lobster, fish balls, shredded fish, beans and salted meats (beef, pork) are the staple of the island cuisine. Some natives eat green iguana meat, mainly on the island of Providence.
Black crab meat is served only in low-income families and has become a highlight today.

What is the most traditional dish in this region?

The most traditional dish is Rondón. Its ingredients are:

• Fish fillet.
• Snail
• Yucca.
• Yams.
• Pigtail.
• Cooked banana.
• Flour tortillas
• Coconut milk.
• Pepper.

When is this festival celebrated?
How long is this festival?
What do people do during this festival?

Coco Carnival takes place in the month of November, from November 27th to  November 30th .  It celebrates the birthday of St. Andrews made the "Reign of Coco" event with the participation of several countries on the Atlantic coast and neighboring islands.

Festival de la Luna Verde is held annually in San Andres Island, Colombia. It is also called "Green Moon Festival". It is a celebration that shows the life style and  it is celebrated by Afro-Caribbean people. It is celebrated in the month of September, from September 14th  to September 16th  every year and it lasts for three days.

The festival includes features that involve the history of these islands as the complete disappearance of the indigenous presence, as well as colonization by the British who brought Africans to labor.

By Eliana Espinosa and Lina Lopera

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